Community of Interest

Exchange of best practices on energy poverty concepts at the European level

The SCEPA Community of Interest is twofold: to create a learning environment at European level to exchange best practices and knowledge about impactful initiatives addressing energy poverty; as well as to raise awareness on the topic in the project countries and beyond, leveraging community support and engagement around the energy poverty debate.
The creation of our Community follows a multi level governance and intersectoral approach, targeting relevant stakeholders representative of those potential private and public sectors that could bring an added value and contribution to the SCEPA mission. As an example: SMEs, financial institutions, civil society organizations, academic institutions, national regional and local public authorities, social group communities etc.
Community members will be mapped starting from SCEPA partners networks and countries of implementation. Then, a second level of mapping is foreseen, namely a call for interest will be launched at European level addressing those interested to get to know more about energy poverty and being the SCEPA ambassador in their local communities.
These actions allow the opportunity for replication and transferability of SCEPA results and impact; as well as to raise awareness on the topic in the project countries and beyond raising community support and engagement around the energy poverty debate.

The SCEPA partner ALDA is currently working on a roadmap to create the Col 

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